miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011

The One with the Earthquake

Apparently there was an earthquake in Andalucia today - although the first we knew of it was e-mails from home checking if we still had a house. Well, one e-mail. Thanks for caring. Felt nothing at school today, although one of my kids fell off his chair at about half six ... mind, he's always doing that. One gravitationally-challenged child.

In other less seismically-significant news, Barca did what they'd basically already done, and won La Liga, drawing with Levante to push themselves beyond Real's reach and put Los Merengues out of their misery. Suffice to say, Jose's random-excuse-generator will be churning them out on overtime over the next few days. 10 points for anyone who predicted he'd blame it on Unicef last time. Me neither.

"No sé si es por la publicidad a Unicef ..."

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